リーズナブル 低価格、シンプルでわかりやすい料金体系で、明朗会計
区分数 | 成功報酬 | 即日対応 | 出願手数料 | 出願印紙代 | 合計 |
1 | 0円 | 0円 | 17,980円 | 12,000円 | 29,980円 |
2 | 0円 | 0円 | 29,380円 | 20,600円 | 49,980円 |
3 | 0円 | 0円 | 40,780円 | 29,200円 | 69,980円 |
区分数 | 成功報酬 | 登録証の手数料 | 登録手数料 | 5年の登録印紙代 | 合計 |
1 | 0円 | 0円 | 22,780円 | 17,200円 | 39,980円 |
2 | 0円 | 0円 | 25,580円 | 34,400円 | 59,980円 |
3 | 0円 | 0円 | 28,380円 | 51,600円 | 79,980円 |
1. 2022年3月31日までに提出の申請書類について
1,200円+(1枚×700円)=1,900円 となります。
- 1) 特許出願の審査請求書分として1,200円+(1枚×700円)=1,900円
- 2) 手続補正書分として1,200円+(2枚×700円)=2,600円
2. 2022年4月1日以降に提出の申請書類については
2,400円+(1枚×800円)=3,200円 となります。
- 1) 特許出願の審査請求書分として2,400円+(1枚×800円)=3,200円
- 2) 手続補正書分として2,400円+(2枚×800円)=4,000円

以下、一般財団法人 工業所有権電子情報化センターホームページです。
基本料金 2400円 + 書面1枚につき 800円
We will explain the characteristics, trends, classification, etc. of trademark registration for fashion brands such as apparel, clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, and cosmetics.
Apparel products are characterized by rapid changes, influenced by trends and seasonality.
There is also a strong tendency to buy products based on the brand name.
For example, look at brand names such as HERMES, CHANEL, LOUIS VUITTON, DIOR, apparel products, clothes, shoes, bags, bags, accessories, cosmetics, etc. I buy more and more fashion products.
Therefore, it is characteristic that trademark registration is carried out to protect the brand.
In terms of the number of trademark applications, Class 25 clothing and footwear, which is the core category of apparel, ranks third in the field of goods.
By the way, the 1st place is Class 9 various machines/equipment/software related products, and the 2nd place is Class 30 sweets/foods related products.
People in the apparel industry have filed numerous trademark applications to actively protect their brands.
This is proof that many brands are born in the fashion industry.
For apparel products, the point of view of which brand is important.
Therefore, the brand should be differentiated.
In order to achieve that differentiation, it is important to have a trademark right that prevents others from using it.
If you have a trademark right, you can tell others not to use it in the same or similar range.
Therefore, apparel brands, more than others, need to register their trademarks and obtain trademark rights.
In other words, trademark registration is the legal protection of brand names.
You don’t have to be trademarked to use your brand name.
However, it is important to be aware of the risks of continuing to use a trademark without registering it.
A brand name or logo that you have created may not be usable unless you register it as a trademark.
As a general rule, trademark registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and the first to apply for trademark registration wins.
In other words, trademark registration is a talisman to avoid risks.
It can also enhance brand value and differentiate itself from competitors.
Furthermore, registering a trademark will serve as an advertisement and increase credibility.
Here, we will explain in detail about trademark registration for apparel brands and fashion brands.
1. Brand name matters
Apparel brands and fashion brands are industries in which brand names are important, and many companies are registering their trademarks.
In the apparel industry, looking at the types of products, for example, clothes are sweaters, trousers, etc. Basically, all companies have the same products, and it is difficult to differentiate them from other companies.
In that case, what is important for users and consumers is “What brand of clothing is it?”
For example, for a 100% cotton t-shirt made from the same material, there is a big difference in price between an unknown brand and CHANEL.
In order for many brands to retain their customers, it is only possible to have a trademark that can be differentiated from other companies.
In other words, the apparel brand is the foundation of the brand image.
Therefore, trademark registration is necessary to prevent others from using the brand name without permission.
2. Characteristics of the apparel industry
In the apparel industry, trademark registration has different characteristics from other industries.
For example, fashion is fast, there are many types of apparel-related products, and designers want to register their personal names as trademarks.
(1) Fast fashion
In the apparel industry, trends change faster than in other industries, and even products that were considered good this year are often said to be outdated next year.
Consider carefully whether this product should be registered as a trademark, as it is trending quickly.
Trademark registration takes time from application to registration, so the boom may be over when the trademark is registered.
However, if certain requirements are met and the accelerated examination system is used, the trademark can be registered in about two months after filing the application.
(2) Many types of apparel-related products
In order to file an application for apparel-related trademark registration, it is necessary to prepare an application form.
In the application form, it is necessary to describe the goods and services for which protection is sought, “by class.”
For apparel-related products, there are more classifications of the application form.
The more divisions there are, the higher the cost.
It is also possible to apply for additional trademarks and increase the classes covered later.
However, there is a risk that someone else will file before you.
Therefore, it is recommended to apply as early as possible for classes that are likely to be commercialized.
When registering a trademark, decide the order of priority for each product before registering.
Apparel-related products are classified into many categories, and trends change quickly in this industry.
Therefore, let’s set priorities, for example, registering standard products that continue to sell, or registering trademarks from products that are likely to be commercialized.
(3) Trademark registration of personal brand
As a general rule, trademark registration of a personal name brand cannot be done if there are people with the same name. Under trademark law,
To protect moral rights, another person’s name cannot be registered as a trademark without the consent of that person (Trademark Law, Article 4, Paragraph 1, Item 8). In the case of an unusual person’s name, there are cases where consent is obtained from that person. However, if there are many people with the same name, it will be difficult to obtain consent from all of them.
For example, I applied for trademark registration for a logo that includes the letters “KENKIKUCHI” used by accessory designer Ken Kikuchi, but it was rejected because it violated Article 4, Paragraph 1, Item 8. After that, we fought in the trial against the trial decision and in the lawsuit against the trial decision, but it was not overturned.
On the other hand, when I applied for the phrase “Matsumoto Kiyoshi” as a “sound trademark,” it was rejected by the Patent Office on the grounds that it “contains someone else’s name.” After that, the Intellectual Property High Court ruled in August 2021 that “the phrase is associated with Matsumoto Kiyoshi as a drug store, and it cannot be said to refer to a person’s name.” (Reiwa 2 (Gyo-ke) No. 10126 regarding the sound trademark of “Matsumoto Kiyoshi”).
As described above, Matsumotokiyoshi is a drugstore, and unless there are special circumstances such as it being judged that it cannot be said to refer to a person’s name, it is difficult.
3. Apparel-related categories
There are more categories related to apparel-related trademark registration than in other fields.
In the case of fashion-related products, there are various fashion-related items, and it is characteristic that they are divided into multiple categories according to their properties, uses, and materials.
Apparel-related products, for example, are as follows.
Category Product example
Category 3 Nails, false eyelashes, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.
Class 9 glasses, sunglasses
14 types necklaces, rings, watches, key chains
Class 18 Bags, wallets, makeup pouches
Class 25 Clothing
26 Buttons, brooches, hair bands
Category 35 Store names, mail-order sites, retail store services (including Internet)
Apparel-related brands are not limited to “clothes (25 categories)” but are also being categorized into others.
I will explain each category in detail.
(1) 3 types of false nails, false eyelashes, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.
The three main products are cosmetics, soaps, and toothpaste.
Cosmetics may be included in fashion-related products.
Nails, false eyelashes, perfumes, etc. are also included in the three categories.
Recently, I’ve been wearing a mask all the time, but I think mascara, which is eye cosmetics, will become a fashion item.
Also, along with manicures, nail nails are also included in fashion items.
For example, CHANEL is also focusing on cosmetics.
(2) His glasses, sunglasses, etc. in the 9th category
The main commodities in the 9th category are cameras, televisions and other electrical communication equipment, smartphones, computer programs, and so on.
However, glasses and sunglasses are included in category 9.
Therefore, when selling eyeglasses and sunglasses as products, it is necessary to hold down Class 9 as well.
(3) 14 types of earrings, necklaces, rings, watches, etc.
There are 14 types of so-called accessory items.
Watches such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, brooches, rings, tie clips, cufflinks, and wristwatches.
Class 14 also includes precious metals.
(4) 18 types of bags, wallets, umbrellas, etc.
There are 18 types of so-called small items.
Bags, bags, wallets, business card holders, umbrellas, etc.
(5) 25 kinds of clothes, underwear, Japanese clothes, hats, shoes, etc.
This is the main category of apparel products.
Clothes, coats, sweaters, shirts, nightwear, underwear, camisoles, tee shirts, Japanese clothes, hats, belts, shoes, special sports shoes, special sports costumes, etc. All clothing and footwear.
(6) 26 hair bands, wigs, buttons, etc.
So-called accessories other than precious metals fall into class 26.
Buttons, hooks, zippers and other buttons, false mustaches, wigs, hair bands, hairpins and other headdresses, costume brooches, etc.
(7) Type 35 store name, EC site name, etc.
Class 35 is not goods, but services.
Typical examples are store names and EC site names.
Under the trademark law, it is classified as retail or wholesale.
Apparel-related services are mainly as follows.
Provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of textiles and bedding
Provision of benefits to customers in clothing retail or wholesale business
Provision of benefits to customers in the footwear retail or wholesale business
Provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of bags and bags
Retail/wholesale such as provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of personal effects
Other services include advertising and providing information on product sales.
Apparel brands often use it as store names and EC site names.
For example, Fast Retailing Co., Ltd., which is famous for UNIQLO, has registered the UNIQLO brand name in 35 categories as shown below.
Chapter 35 “Providing services to customers in the retail or wholesale business of clothing; providing services to customers in the retail or wholesale business of textiles and bedding; providing services to customers in the retail or wholesale business of footwear. provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of bags and bags; provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of personal effects; retail or wholesale of eyeglasses and watches provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of cosmetics, toothpastes and soaps, provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of drugs and medical aids, Provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of woven toilet seat covers, woven toilet lid covers, and woven toilet paper holder covers; provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of rugs
Trademark Registration No. 5137361 (Registration date June 6, 2008)
Trademark Registration in Japan by Japanese Patent Attorney.
1. Necessary Information for Trademark Application
Description of Trademarks, Goods/Services, Full name and address
2. Description of products and services
The Japan Patent Office (JPO) publishes a list of “acceptable descriptions of goods and services” and this list is followed very strictly.
Even descriptions of goods and services that meet the international standards of the Nice Classification (NCL) are often opposed in Japan.
Therefore, JPO’s acceptable descriptions should be used whenever possible.
If the actual goods or services do not fall under any of his JPO’s acceptable descriptions, describe the goods or services specifically, and provide a detailed description of the goods or services, such as in brochures or website printouts. documents should be included and attached to enable the examiner to understand the goods or services.
After filing, the applicant may narrow the description of goods and/or services.
However, you may not expand the description or add another product or service.
Therefore, It is advisable to include a broad identification of the goods and/or services in the filing to support future restrictions, especially if the actual goods or services do not correspond to his JPO’s acceptable description.
3. Intention to Use Trademark
In principle, there is no need to prove that you are using a trademark. In Japan, each international class is further divided into subclasses. If the goods or services are selected from more than 23 subclasses within her one international class, the JPO requires the applicant to prove the intention to use the trademark.
Once the application is accepted, an examiner at the Patent Office will examine it. If the examiner determines that the trademark cannot be registered, it will issue a notice of grounds for refusal, giving the applicant an opportunity to respond to the examiner’s determination. Normally, We has 3 months from the date of sending the notice of reasons for refusal to reply. If necessary, We can request a one-month extension of the response time. You can modify the product or service description, but you cannot modify the mark itself.
If the examiner is not persuaded by the response, the examiner will issue a final refusal. You can appeal the final rejection to challenge the examiner’s decision. Since the trial is conducted by 3 to 5 examiners, more objective judgment can be expected.
5.Notification of registration
Payment of registration fee
A notice of registration will be issued if the Examiner cannot find any grounds for rejecting your application, or if the Examiner’s refusal is successfully overcome with a response. Thereafter, the registration fee must be paid within 30 days of the mailing date of the notice. If the registration fee is not paid, the application will be irrevocably rejected. Registration fees increase with the number of classes in the application. The registration fee can be paid in two installments. Trademark rights are generally valid for 10 years from the date of registration.
6.Trademark setting
Upon payment of the registration fee, the trademark right will be established and will be registered in the Trademark Register. Trademark rights are valid for 10 years from the date of registration. If a registered trademark has not been used in Japan for three years or more, the registration can be revoked upon request by a third party on the grounds of non-use. If such a request is filed, the registrant must provide proof of use of the registered trademark within the prescribed period.
After the registration is established, the registration is open for opposition. Anyone can file an objection within two months from the date of publication.
Anyone can file an opposition within two months from the date of publication of the trademark registration. If the Opposition Committee decides to cancel the registration, the Opposition Committee will issue a Notice of Reasons for Cancellation to the registrant. Thereafter, the registrant may object within three months from the mailing date of the notice.
The term of trademark right is 10 years from the date of registration. The term can be renewed for 10 years thereafter, but you must apply for renewal at least 6 months before the current term expires. Even after expiration, a renewal application can be accepted for an additional fee if the application is filed within six months after expiration. The renewal fee can be paid in a lump sum at the time of renewal application. Payment can also be made in two installments. No proof of use is required at renewal.
It is possible to reduce the number of classes when applying for renewal. JPO does not issue renewal certificates. Only renewal postcards will be issued.
Hours and Fees
Be quick in trademark searches. If there is an instruction to apply for a trademark, we will file the trademark application.
Contact us for filing and prosecution fees for trademark applications.
We will explain the characteristics, trends, classification, etc. of trademark registration for fashion brands such as apparel, clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, and cosmetics.
Apparel products are characterized by rapid changes, influenced by trends and seasonality.
There is also a strong tendency to buy products based on the brand name.
For example, look at brand names such as HERMES, CHANEL, LOUIS VUITTON, DIOR, apparel products, clothes, shoes, bags, bags, accessories, cosmetics, etc. I buy more and more fashion products.
Therefore, it is characteristic that trademark registration is carried out to protect the brand.
In terms of the number of trademark applications, Class 25 clothing and footwear, which is the core category of apparel, ranks third in the field of goods.
By the way, the 1st place is Class 9 various machines/equipment/software related products, and the 2nd place is Class 30 sweets/foods related products.
People in the apparel industry have filed numerous trademark applications to actively protect their brands.
This is proof that many brands are born in the fashion industry.
For apparel products, the point of view of which brand is important.
Therefore, the brand should be differentiated.
In order to achieve that differentiation, it is important to have a trademark right that prevents others from using it.
If you have a trademark right, you can tell others not to use it in the same or similar range.
Therefore, apparel brands, more than others, need to register their trademarks and obtain trademark rights.
In other words, trademark registration is the legal protection of brand names.
You don’t have to be trademarked to use your brand name.
However, it is important to be aware of the risks of continuing to use a trademark without registering it.
A brand name or logo that you have created may not be usable unless you register it as a trademark.
As a general rule, trademark registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, and the first to apply for trademark registration wins.
In other words, trademark registration is a talisman to avoid risks.
It can also enhance brand value and differentiate itself from competitors.
Furthermore, registering a trademark will serve as an advertisement and increase credibility.
Here, we will explain in detail about trademark registration for apparel brands and fashion brands.
1. Brand name matters
Apparel brands and fashion brands are industries in which brand names are important, and many companies are registering their trademarks.
In the apparel industry, looking at the types of products, for example, clothes are sweaters, trousers, etc. Basically, all companies have the same products, and it is difficult to differentiate them from other companies.
In that case, what is important for users and consumers is “What brand of clothing is it?”
For example, for a 100% cotton t-shirt made from the same material, there is a big difference in price between an unknown brand and CHANEL.
In order for many brands to retain their customers, it is only possible to have a trademark that can be differentiated from other companies.
In other words, the apparel brand is the foundation of the brand image.
Therefore, trademark registration is necessary to prevent others from using the brand name without permission.
2. Characteristics of the apparel industry
In the apparel industry, trademark registration has different characteristics from other industries.
For example, fashion is fast, there are many types of apparel-related products, and designers want to register their personal names as trademarks.
(1) Fast fashion
In the apparel industry, trends change faster than in other industries, and even products that were considered good this year are often said to be outdated next year.
Consider carefully whether this product should be registered as a trademark, as it is trending quickly.
Trademark registration takes time from application to registration, so the boom may be over when the trademark is registered.
However, if certain requirements are met and the accelerated examination system is used, the trademark can be registered in about two months after filing the application.
(2) Many types of apparel-related products
In order to file an application for apparel-related trademark registration, it is necessary to prepare an application form.
In the application form, it is necessary to describe the goods and services for which protection is sought, “by class.”
For apparel-related products, there are more classifications of the application form.
The more divisions there are, the higher the cost.
It is also possible to apply for additional trademarks and increase the classes covered later.
However, there is a risk that someone else will file before you.
Therefore, it is recommended to apply as early as possible for classes that are likely to be commercialized.
When registering a trademark, decide the order of priority for each product before registering.
Apparel-related products are classified into many categories, and trends change quickly in this industry.
Therefore, let’s set priorities, for example, registering standard products that continue to sell, or registering trademarks from products that are likely to be commercialized.
(3) Trademark registration of personal brand
As a general rule, trademark registration of a personal name brand cannot be done if there are people with the same name. Under trademark law,
To protect moral rights, another person’s name cannot be registered as a trademark without the consent of that person (Trademark Law, Article 4, Paragraph 1, Item 8). In the case of an unusual person’s name, there are cases where consent is obtained from that person. However, if there are many people with the same name, it will be difficult to obtain consent from all of them.
For example, I applied for trademark registration for a logo that includes the letters “KENKIKUCHI” used by accessory designer Ken Kikuchi, but it was rejected because it violated Article 4, Paragraph 1, Item 8. After that, we fought in the trial against the trial decision and in the lawsuit against the trial decision, but it was not overturned.
On the other hand, when I applied for the phrase “Matsumoto Kiyoshi” as a “sound trademark,” it was rejected by the Patent Office on the grounds that it “contains someone else’s name.” After that, the Intellectual Property High Court ruled in August 2021 that “the phrase is associated with Matsumoto Kiyoshi as a drug store, and it cannot be said to refer to a person’s name.” (Reiwa 2 (Gyo-ke) No. 10126 regarding the sound trademark of “Matsumoto Kiyoshi”).
As described above, Matsumotokiyoshi is a drugstore, and unless there are special circumstances such as it being judged that it cannot be said to refer to a person’s name, it is difficult.
3. Apparel-related category
There are more categories related to apparel-related trademark registration than in other fields.
In the case of fashion-related products, there are various fashion-related items, and it is characteristic that they are divided into multiple categories according to their properties, uses, and materials.
Apparel-related products, for example, are as follows.
Category Product example
Category 3 Nails, false eyelashes, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.
Class 9 glasses, sunglasses
14 types necklaces, rings, watches, key chains
Class 18 Bags, wallets, makeup pouches
Class 25 Clothing
26 Buttons, brooches, hair bands
Category 35 Store names, mail-order sites, retail store services (including Internet)
Apparel-related brands are not limited to “clothes (25 categories)” but are also being categorized into others.
I will explain each category in detail.
(1) 3 types of false nails, false eyelashes, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.
The three main products are cosmetics, soaps, and toothpaste.
Cosmetics may be included in fashion-related products.
Nails, false eyelashes, perfumes, etc. are also included in the three categories.
Recently, I’ve been wearing a mask all the time, but I think mascara, which is eye cosmetics, will become a fashion item.
Also, along with manicures, nail nails are also included in fashion items.
For example, CHANEL is also focusing on cosmetics.
(2) His glasses, sunglasses, etc. in the 9th category
The main commodities in the 9th category are cameras, televisions and other electrical communication equipment, smartphones, computer programs, and so on.
However, glasses and sunglasses are included in category 9.
Therefore, when selling eyeglasses and sunglasses as products, it is necessary to hold down Class 9 as well.
(3) 14 types of earrings, necklaces, rings, watches, etc.
There are 14 types of so-called accessory items.
Watches such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants, brooches, rings, tie clips, cufflinks, and wristwatches.
Class 14 also includes precious metals.
(4) 18 types of bags, wallets, umbrellas, etc.
There are 18 types of so-called small items.
Bags, bags, wallets, business card holders, umbrellas, etc.
(5) 25 kinds of clothes, underwear, Japanese clothes, hats, shoes, etc.
This is the main category of apparel products.
Clothes, coats, sweaters, shirts, nightwear, underwear, camisoles, tee shirts, Japanese clothes, hats, belts, shoes, special sports shoes, special sports costumes, etc. All clothing and footwear.
(6) 26 hair bands, wigs, buttons, etc.
So-called accessories other than precious metals fall into class 26.
Buttons, hooks, zippers and other buttons, false mustaches, wigs, hair bands, hairpins and other headdresses, costume brooches, etc.
(7) Type 35 store name, EC site name, etc.
Class 35 is not goods, but services.
Typical examples are store names and EC site names.
Under the trademark law, it is classified as retail or wholesale.
Apparel-related services are mainly as follows.
Provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of textiles and bedding
Provision of benefits to customers in clothing retail or wholesale business
Provision of benefits to customers in the footwear retail or wholesale business
Provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of bags and bags
Retail/wholesale such as provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of personal effects
Other services include advertising and providing information on product sales.
Apparel brands often use it as store names and EC site names.
For example, Fast Retailing Co., Ltd., which is famous for UNIQLO, has registered the UNIQLO brand name in 35 categories as shown below.
Chapter 35 “Providing services to customers in the retail or wholesale business of clothing; providing services to customers in the retail or wholesale business of textiles and bedding; providing services to customers in the retail or wholesale business of footwear. provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of bags and bags; provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of personal effects; retail or wholesale of eyeglasses and watches provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of cosmetics, toothpastes and soaps, provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of drugs and medical aids, Provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of woven toilet seat covers, woven toilet lid covers, and woven toilet paper holder covers; provision of benefits to customers in the retail or wholesale business of rugs
Trademark Registration No. 5137361 (Registration date June 6, 2008)
Furthermore, in the apparel industry, company names and store names are often different from EC site names. The company name and store name are the things that appear on the surface, and in addition to the brand name, the company name and store name must also be registered as trademarks.
In order to receive brand registration of Amazon in Japan, as a general rule, it is necessary to register a trademark in Japan.
Below is the description from Amazon’s website.
Check eligibility
Brands must have a valid word or figure trademark pending registration or registered.
To use the Amazon Brand Registry, your brand must have a valid registered trademark or pending trademark application submitted through Amazon IP Accelerator in each country in which you wish to register.
Brand Registry also accepts brands that are pending trademark registration with some trademark registries (see country-specific requirements). A registered trademark for a brand must be a word mark (text mark) or a graphic mark containing words, letters, or numbers (image mark).
Depending on which country you register your trademark in, your registered trademark can have more than one trademark classification according to that country’s trademark registry. Below are examples of trademarks that Amazon currently accepts for registration.
word mark
Graphic Marks Containing Words, Letters, or Numbers
Currently available on Amazon in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Singapore, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Egypt, Sweden, Poland, European Union, United Arab Emirates We only accept trademarks issued by public federal trademark registries.
If the trademark is registered with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), please provide the trademark number assigned by the national trademark registry.
National trademark numbers may differ from the trademark numbers assigned by WIPO.
If your trademark is registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), select EUIPO as your trademark registration authority when you apply.
Amazon Brand Registry is not affiliated with these trademark registries, so please do not contact them regarding Amazon Brand Registry.
Up-to-date information on Brand Registry eligibility requirements will be posted on the following pages:
Click here for country requirements
Country-specific registration guidelines for Brand Registry submissions can be found here.
The trademark lettering must match the brand name in the application.
If your trademark is an image-based mark containing words, letters, and numbers, you must upload a copy of the image exactly as it appears in your trademark record.
Please make sure this information matches before submitting your application.
This trademark must also appear on the product or packaging.
Sign in to Amazon Brand Registry
Brand Registry applications must be submitted by the trademark owner.
If you are an agent authorized by a trademark owner, add the agent’s account as an additional user after the trademark owner registers the brand with Amazon Brand Registry. If you meet the eligibility requirements, sign in using your existing Seller Central or Vendor Central credentials. Using the same username and password will allow you to access Brand Registry features and benefits linked to Vendor Services and Seller Services. If you don’t have an Amazon account yet, you can create one for free.
2. email from amazon
In February 2023, I received an email from Amazon titled “:[CASE ○○○○○○○○○○○] Action Required: Request from Amazon Brand Registry” with a “Verification code”.
Below is the email.
You are listed as the contact for the registered trademark for ○○○○○○.
Please confirm the information below to validate the identity of the individual seeking to enroll ○○○○○○ in Amazon Brand Registry, who provided the following details:
Trademark Registration Number: ○○○○○○○ Trademark Registration Office: JPO
We are unable to give you the applicant’s name, but we asked them to contact you. To give the applicant approval to enroll ○○○○○○ in Brand Registry, provide them with the verification code listed below. grant access, do not provide the code. After the brand is enrolled with the correct Rights Owner, they can enroll additional users with limited or customized roles.
Verification code: ○○○○○○○○-○○○○-○○○○-○○○○-○○○○○○○○○○○○
Brand Registry helps Rights Owners protect registered trademarks on Amazon and create a more accurate and trusted experience for customers. As the gatekeeper for ○○○○○○, your role is very important. Enrollment in Brand Registry gives Rights Owners access to powerful tools including proprietary text and image search in addition to increased authority over product listings that have your brand name. For more details, see https://brandservices.amazon.com/.
Amazon Brand Registry
Best regards,
Amazon Brand Registry Support
For more information about Amazon Brand Registry please visit https://services.amazon.com/brand-registry.html
Here’s what Amazon has to say about “Brand Registry”:
Amazon’s “Brand Registry” makes it easier to protect your brand’s registered trademarks on Amazon and helps you provide your customers with a reliable and satisfying shopping experience.
The Brand Registry provides unique text and image product search capabilities and automated predictions based on historical intellectual property infringement claims data.
In addition, you can check the listing status of products linked to the registered brand name, and preferentially change the information on the product detail page.
Register your brand today and work with us to reduce the number of products that infringe intellectual property rights and ensure that your brand is represented correctly on Amazon.
Amazon effectively encourages trademark registration.
We have a track record of many trademark registrations for companies and individuals who sell products on Amazon.
The Japan Patent Attorneys Association has released the results of a questionnaire on trademark filing fees.
According to the survey results, the average trademark application fee (one class) is 69,536 yen, and the maximum amount is 60,000 to 80,000 yen.
As for trademark search fees, according to the results of the survey, when searching one figure trademark per similar organization, the most common fee is 30,000 to 40,000 yen.
Ours is about a quarter of that.
We have drastically reduced our costs and realized low fees.
Support your business at low rates
New customers are very welcome!
Inquiries are free. Please feel free to contact us
Over 10 Years of Achievement and Reliability
There are many applications and registrations from foreign and overseas public institutions, organizations, companies, individuals, etc., such as Australia in the southern hemisphere, China in the northern hemisphere, and the United States.
For example, we have a track record of multiple trademark registration applications, multiple trademark registrations, and trademark registration oppositions for public institutions in Australia, which are famous in Japan.
Precious International Patent and Trademark Office [Precious IP Inc]
Member of Japan Patent Attorneys Association
We are responding to the reasons for refusal of Madrid Protocol Trademark Application Designating Japan.
We prepare and submit written opinions and amendments for trademark registration in Japan.
We are doing it at a low price.
Please feel free to contact us.
Over 10 years of track record
Japanese trademark registration application fee
The Japan Patent Attorneys Association has published the results of a questionnaire regarding fees for trademark applications.
According to the results of the survey, the average trademark application fee (one category) is 69,536 yen.
As for trademark search fees, when searching one figure trademark, the most common fee is 30,000 to 40,000 yen.
Furthermore, the average value of honorariums for trademark applications (one category) is 45,409 yen.
Summarizing the above, 114,945 yen, which is the total of 69,536 yen + 45,409 yen, and about 30,000 to 40,000 yen for trademark research, [about 134,000 yen to 144,000 yen] is one category. This is the average fee for a trademark application.
However, there are billing items other than the above, so the average is probably still higher.
Depending on the office, the fee structure is complicated and difficult to understand, and because there are various billing items, it is unclear and difficult to grasp the total fee amount.
Our office has a simple and easy-to-understand fee system, clear accounting, and reasonable
70% off the above average
Over 10 years of track record and trust
Clear accounting, easy-to-understand fee structure, reasonable fees
We can fully meet the needs of customers who want to request a high-quality office that can register trademarks more reliably and with peace of mind while minimizing the cost burden.
For high-quality services, please check customer feedback (evaluation).
Comes with the following benefits
☆ No investigation fee
☆No success fee/reward
☆ Electronic processing fee is free
What you should keep in mind when requesting an application is the fee structure.
At other offices, in addition to application and registration fees, success fees, rewards, search costs, application preparation costs, registration fee payment form preparation costs, and digitization fees Other offices are currently making additional payments under various pretexts such as.
On the other hand, our office’s application fee includes search fee, application preparation fee, and digitization fee.
The registration fee includes the registration fee payment slip preparation fee, computerization fee, success fee, and honorarium.
New customers are welcome! WELCOME
Future intellectual property strategies together with customers
Sophisticated, high-quality intellectual property services
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