Japanese Trademark Application Fees
The Japan Patent Attorneys Association has released the results of a questionnaire on trademark filing fees.
According to the survey results, the average trademark application fee (one class) is 69,536 yen, and the maximum amount is 60,000 to 80,000 yen.
As for trademark search fees, according to the results of the survey, when searching one figure trademark per similar organization, the most common fee is 30,000 to 40,000 yen.
Ours is about a quarter of that.
We have drastically reduced our costs and realized low fees.
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Over 10 Years of Achievement and Reliability
There are many applications and registrations from foreign and overseas public institutions, organizations, companies, individuals, etc., such as Australia in the southern hemisphere, China in the northern hemisphere, and the United States.
For example, we have a track record of multiple trademark registration applications, multiple trademark registrations, and trademark registration oppositions for public institutions in Australia, which are famous in Japan.
Precious International Patent and Trademark Office [Precious IP Inc]
Member of Japan Patent Attorneys Association