Brand registration of Amazon in Japan

trademark registration

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Brand registration of Amazon in Japan

In order to receive brand registration of Amazon in Japan, as a general rule, it is necessary to register a trademark in Japan.

Below is the description from Amazon’s website.

Check eligibility

Brands must have a valid word or figure trademark pending registration or registered.

To use the Amazon Brand Registry, your brand must have a valid registered trademark or pending trademark application submitted through Amazon IP Accelerator in each country in which you wish to register.
Brand Registry also accepts brands that are pending trademark registration with some trademark registries (see country-specific requirements). A registered trademark for a brand must be a word mark (text mark) or a graphic mark containing words, letters, or numbers (image mark).
Depending on which country you register your trademark in, your registered trademark can have more than one trademark classification according to that country’s trademark registry. Below are examples of trademarks that Amazon currently accepts for registration.

word mark
Graphic Marks Containing Words, Letters, or Numbers

Currently available on Amazon in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Singapore, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Egypt, Sweden, Poland, European Union, United Arab Emirates We only accept trademarks issued by public federal trademark registries.
If the trademark is registered with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), please provide the trademark number assigned by the national trademark registry.
National trademark numbers may differ from the trademark numbers assigned by WIPO.
If your trademark is registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), select EUIPO as your trademark registration authority when you apply.
Amazon Brand Registry is not affiliated with these trademark registries, so please do not contact them regarding Amazon Brand Registry.
Up-to-date information on Brand Registry eligibility requirements will be posted on the following pages:
Click here for country requirements
Country-specific registration guidelines for Brand Registry submissions can be found here.
The trademark lettering must match the brand name in the application.
If your trademark is an image-based mark containing words, letters, and numbers, you must upload a copy of the image exactly as it appears in your trademark record.
Please make sure this information matches before submitting your application.
This trademark must also appear on the product or packaging.

Sign in to Amazon Brand Registry

Brand Registry applications must be submitted by the trademark owner.

If you are an agent authorized by a trademark owner, add the agent’s account as an additional user after the trademark owner registers the brand with Amazon Brand Registry. If you meet the eligibility requirements, sign in using your existing Seller Central or Vendor Central credentials. Using the same username and password will allow you to access Brand Registry features and benefits linked to Vendor Services and Seller Services. If you don’t have an Amazon account yet, you can create one for free.
2. email from amazon

In February 2023, I received an email from Amazon titled “:[CASE ○○○○○○○○○○○] Action Required: Request from Amazon Brand Registry” with a “Verification code”.

Below is the email.


You are listed as the contact for the registered trademark for ○○○○○○.

Please confirm the information below to validate the identity of the individual seeking to enroll ○○○○○○ in Amazon Brand Registry, who provided the following details:

Trademark Registration Number: ○○○○○○○ Trademark Registration Office: JPO

We are unable to give you the applicant’s name, but we asked them to contact you. To give the applicant approval to enroll ○○○○○○ in Brand Registry, provide them with the verification code listed below. grant access, do not provide the code. After the brand is enrolled with the correct Rights Owner, they can enroll additional users with limited or customized roles.

Verification code: ○○○○○○○○-○○○○-○○○○-○○○○-○○○○○○○○○○○○

Brand Registry helps Rights Owners protect registered trademarks on Amazon and create a more accurate and trusted experience for customers. As the gatekeeper for ○○○○○○, your role is very important. Enrollment in Brand Registry gives Rights Owners access to powerful tools including proprietary text and image search in addition to increased authority over product listings that have your brand name. For more details, see

Amazon Brand Registry

Best regards,

Amazon Brand Registry Support

For more information about Amazon Brand Registry please visit

Here’s what Amazon has to say about “Brand Registry”:

Amazon’s “Brand Registry” makes it easier to protect your brand’s registered trademarks on Amazon and helps you provide your customers with a reliable and satisfying shopping experience.
The Brand Registry provides unique text and image product search capabilities and automated predictions based on historical intellectual property infringement claims data.
In addition, you can check the listing status of products linked to the registered brand name, and preferentially change the information on the product detail page.
Register your brand today and work with us to reduce the number of products that infringe intellectual property rights and ensure that your brand is represented correctly on Amazon.

Amazon effectively encourages trademark registration.

We have a track record of many trademark registrations for companies and individuals who sell products on Amazon.

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