Japanese trademark registration | 商標登録 商標出願 商標権更新申請

trademark registration

Precious ip Inc

Precious ip Inc Japan World Wide
個人情報保護 守秘義務厳守

弁理士  日本弁理士会会員

Japanese trademark registration

Japanese trademark registration

We have received many requests from Chinese companies and individuals, USA Foreign countries companies and individuals.

Japanese trademark registration from overseas companies has a proven track record and trust.

For example, a foreign public organization famous for the Australian beef “Ogee beef”

We also register trademarks such as the following letters and logos.

[Figure Trademark Trademark Registration No. 5884220]



[Standard character trademark trademark registration No. 5890334]

Let’s Barbie!

[Standard character trademark Trademark registration No. 5890335]

The above is also a trademark registered by  Precious ip International  Inc.

Precious ip International trademark Inc

12-27-6F,Takanawa 2-chome,Minato-ku,Tokyo 108-0074,Japan

 U P